You are a talented expert at what you do (consultant, coach, speaker, nutritionist, designer, etc..)  but you find challenging to enroll new customers for your service based business.
You can help your clients to solve a crucial business or personal problem… however when it´s time to have a “sales conversation” your confidence goes away.  If this is the case then this Workshop is for you.
You don´t want to push your prospect, you stand back.  Your prospect takes control of the conversation and goes away. You stay there with no client.  You are looking for a way to get your message across without being “salesy” or “pushy”. 
What about feeling confident and empowered in your sales conversations serving clients who really need and want what you have to offer?
Sell your services with integrity.  Support your prospects to fulfill their goals, projects and desires.

In this WORKSHOP you’ll learn:

* How to sell without selling

* To claim your worth and get out of your own way

* The simple systems and structures you need to enroll more clients

* How to enroll a client without giving too much consultation or content away


min. participants required: 3


9:30 Introduction and presentation of all participants.
What are the most common challenges in sales conversations and how to overcome them. 
Get clear about your goals.  

Claim your worth and get rid of selling fears.

10:45 Break

11:00Systems and Structures – Sales process' samples.  

Create a sales process for your service based business.

12:30 Lunch-break

13:15 The 4 step conversation that will allow you to sell without selling.

14:30 Break

14:45 How to talk to more prospects and serve more clients. 

The most reliable way to improve your results.

15:45 Feedback & closing.

If you are ready:
To enroll new clients with confidence and integrity
To get the expertise you need to grow your business + do what it takes to make your business dreams a reality
Then I invite you to join me in this transformational business workshop
Please feel free to reach out if you have any question:


Rosa Jakobs
International Business Coach & Mentor. Rosa’s family background arouses in her a desire to be an entrepreneur from a young age. Rosa found her calling in helping entrepreneurs around the world to embrace authenticity, stop undercharging their services and expertise and own their truest value. She employs only proven methods that have helped already hundreds of coaches, consultants and experts all over the world. Since 2008 she is an entrepreneur based in Germany. Working languages: English, Spanish & German –




Coworking0711 Stuttgart-West
Green Space
Gutenbergstr. 77a
70197 Stuttgart