Are you leading international teams?

Leadership in intercultural context are challanging and need communication skills as much as the ability of managing difficult emotions. In this tailor made programm we work on your special needs with our successful approach “get_connected” in the context of transformational leadership.

Interessed? Book the training, make a big leap in the leadership development!


Day 1

- Leadership in intercultural context (leading others incl. leading upwards)
- Transformational leadership in intercultural context
- Transcultural leadership skills

- Get_Connected Communication and dealing with Emotion


Day 2

- Success factors in international teams
- Reflection of own leadership role

- Self-Leadership and Resilience
- Design growth mindset action plan

In addition, each participant will receive 2 coaching hours for free. 


Learning Approaches:

  • Scientific and practical test instruments
  • Experiencial learning
  • State of the art leadership model
  • Role Play and exercise
  • Reflection / group coaching
  • Input from neuroscience



Prof. Dr. Gabriele Thelen (

- Professor for intercultural communication since 2010
- Trainer for communication psychology and intercultural communication since 2002
- Author and editor "Handbuch Chinakompetenz" Handbuch China-Kompetenzen bei transcript Verlag 
- Founder and head of the China Center HTWG Konstanz since 2018 
- Developer of the didactical approach get_connected



Dr. Jingjing Wang (

- Trainer, Coach and Consultant for Cross-cultural Leadership and leadership development since 2007
- Author of Globalization of Leadership Development | SpringerLink
- Project Leader for large international projects since 2016  
- Founder of  Dr. Jingjing Wang – Coaching & Training 


Green Space, Coworking0711
Gutenbergstraße 77a,
70197 Stuttgart